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Fireworks at the Beach

The warm weather this week has reminded me of summer and trips to the beach.  I love the nighttime on the beach when people shoot fireworks over the ocean.  I love the way that they rocket way up into the night sky and plummet to earth leaving a fiery trail.  When they hit the water, they disappear.  The vastness of God’s great love is like the ocean that extinguishes the flames of our wrongdoings.

1 Corinthians 13:5 says that love “does not take into account a wrong suffered”.  The phrase “does not take into account” is one word in the Greek that means “to impute” or “to charge”.  It is like a ledger or a list that tracks transactions or, as in this case, wrongdoings.  Love doesn’t keep a list.

Do you know who else doesn’t keep a list of the wrongdoings of a believer?  God.  2 Corinthians 5:19 states, “God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them”.  In other words, when you come to faith in Christ, God doesn’t keep a list of your sin.  That is the way that God loves, and He wants us to love that way as well.

The way to have that kind of love is by continually developing your relationship with God through prayer, studying His Word, and serving others.  Praying connects you with the heart of God each day.  Studying His Word helps you to know Him more deeply.  Serving others can humble you and opens your eyes to the love that God has for this world.  

Are you keeping a record of the wrongs that you have suffered?  Do you truly like doing that?  Do you really want to live like that?   I know for certain that God doesn’t want you to live like that.  God wants you to become the type of Christian who loves like Christ. He wants you to drown all the wrongdoing in a sea of love, just like the ocean does to fireworks.

These are your Words for Wednesday.

We will be having a "Feed the Hunger Event" at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church on Saturday, March 22 at 11:00 am. Please make plans to be there as we serve together to package 15,000 meals! Have a great rest of your week.

In Christ,

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