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All Things Big and Small

For the next several weeks, we will have guest authors for our Words for Wednesday. Today our guest author is Dolores Callier. Enjoy!

All Things Big and Small

Have you ever felt that something was not important enough to pray about? Like wanting to find an empty parking space at your destination? Or maybe trying to find something you put where it would be handy, but now you can’t remember where it is?

One day as I hurried down the stairs to the freezer in the garage, I prayed: “God, I don’t know if there are any cooked green beans in the freezer, but if there are, please let me find them quickly. If there are none, please put something else into my hands so I can finish preparing dinner.” That was before I moved to North Carolina and learned to call the evening meal supper. Praying for green beans to be in the freezer seems like a small matter, but it was important to me at that moment.

When I was a very young girl, I thought God was busy with big things like the sun and sky, and making big trees grow from little seeds. I didn't think He was interested in my broken toy, or why I couldn’t play Jacks as well as my sister, or why I was so much shorter than most of the other children in my kindergarten class. My parents often said that I could pray about anything. They told me that if something is important to me, it is important to God too because He loved me and that I could and should pray about anything and everything. They reminded me that Jesus loved little children and wanted me to talk to Him.

As I grew older, I began to understand that God really does want His children to talk to Him about everything that is important to us. He created birds and flowers and takes care of them, just as He cares about the people He created (Luke 12:22-28). If we are worried or anxious about something, we can pray, and receive His peace (Philippians 4:6-7; 1 Peter 5:7). If we are happy, we should thank God because He is the one who gives good things (James 1:17). When we don’t know what to do, which way to go, we should ask for guidance, because God will direct us (Proverbs 3:5-6). If we want something, we can ask God for it, remembering that He will give us what is best, not necessarily what we desire (Matthew 6:33).

The next time you think something is too small for you to pray about, remember that God loves you and wants you to talk to Him about everything that is part of your life. Trust God to answer every prayer for your good and His glory.

These are your Words for Wednesday.

With Joy in Jesus,

Dolores Callier

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