You've never been this way before

One of the greatest adventures in my life came as a result of going down a road that I had never been before. When I was a kid, we drove out west to California and on the way we accidently visited the Petrified Forest in Arizona. We had never heard of this place, but we saw a sign and decided to check it out. When we arrived, it was not a forest at all, but a desert filled with rocks and sandy hills. It was not until we stopped at the welcome center that I even realized what petrified meant. As we drove through it, we stopped at a few sights, but I easily became bored. It seemed like there was nothing but white sandy hills as far as the eye could see. Then we saw another sign that said, Grand Canyon with an arrow pointing the way. Now this is a place that I had heard about! As we drove along, we continued to see nothing but more sand and rocks. We began to talk about turning around and leaving. My brother and I were bored and began complaining. Suddenly we came to an opening in those sandy hills. All conversation instantly stopped! There was nothing but silence as my Dad pulled off the road. Seeing the Grand Canyon was breathtaking! I had never seen anything like it or since. Utterly amazing! I can still see it in my mind all these years later. I often wonder how the children of Israel felt as they were following the Ark of Covenant toward the Jordan River. In Joshua chapter 3 we find Joshua instructing the people of Israel telling them that they were to follow the Ark of the Covenant and cross the Jordan River. But he adds this caveat, "However, there shall be between you and it a distance of about 2,000 cubits by measure. Do not come near it, that you may know the way by which you shall go, for you have not passed this way before." They were to follow the Ark but not too closely because they had never been this way before. The people of God were accustomed to moving. They had been nomads for 40 years. They had moved throughout the wilderness and knew their way around that area pretty good. They could have probably travelled from one place to another with their eyes closed. But God was about to do something new in their lives. He was going to take them a way that they had never been to a place they had only heard about. But to do so required them to follow Him. God can take you down a road that you have never been. Maybe it's a new career or job, maybe it's a new location, or maybe it's just a new way to live. Along the way, you will be anxious and probably even question if this is the right way. But if you will simply obey and follow Him, it will lead you to a lifechanging place in your life. I often wonder what went through those people's minds as they saw the water part and crossed over on dry land. To say the least, it was humbling and amazing! Who knows, maybe it was a little teeny tiny bit like suddenly seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time. My family and I found the Grand Canyon by following a sign. The children of Israel followed the Ark. We all follow something. What are you following in your life? These are your Words for Wednesday. Please make plans to join us this Sunday morning at 10:45 at Ballentine Elementary School. Have a great rest of your week! In Christ, Kevin |
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