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The God Who Goes Before You

As we continue through the book of Joshua, I want to reflect on something that Moses said to Joshua before commissioning him to lead the nation of Israel into the Promised Land. In Deuteronomy 31:8, Moses said, “The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” What a promise!
In Joshua chapter 5 and 6, Joshua is about to take on an impossible task – defeating the city of Jericho. The city of Jericho was a double walled fortress! Archeologist have found that there was an outer wall with houses against it and an inner wall surrounding the main part of the city. It was virtually impregnable and a marvel of its day. It was an impossible task.

For Joshua to defeat Jericho, it would take faith. Understand that faith is not positive thinking, and it is not following a gut feeling. Faith must be placed in something. There needs to be an object. That object can be yourself, but when that is the object of faith, your faith will let you down. The object, then, of your faith must be in someone that won’t let you down. That someone is God.

The basis for faith are the promises of God from the Word of God while believing in the character of God. Faith is seeing past the obstacles to accomplish what God wants to do through you. The great preacher, Adrian Rogers, said of faith, “Doubt sees the obstacles, faith sees the way.”

In Joshua 6:2, God said, “See, I have given Jericho into your hand, with its king and the valiant warriors.” Joshua believed God’s promise because he knew God’s character. Based on that promise and God’s character, he didn’t look at Jericho and see the impossible. He looked at it and saw an opportunity.

Whatever impossible wall you are experiencing in your life, remember to look at it the way that God looks at it. He didn’t allow this in your life to defeat you. He gave it to you so that you could experience the power of God in your life as He works through you.

Your response to that impossible wall in your life is to press deeper into God by digging even deeper into His Word to learn His promises and His character. It is important that you understand that the outcome may not be instant like the walls of Jericho, so you must quietly and patiently leave the outcome in His capable hands.

Throughout the first 5 chapters of Joshua, the one thing that is clear is that God was already in the Promised Land way before Joshua and the nation of Israel got there just as Moses had said. In your life, remember that the impossible wall that is before you has not taken God by surprise. He was already ahead of you making everything ready for you to conquer it!

These are your Words for Wednesday.

Please remember our churchwide picnic this coming Saturday, September 28 at Harris Lake Park in the Loblolly Shelter starting at 10 am with lunch being served at noon. This is a great opportunity to invite the unchurched and be a witness while we are at the park. The church will provide hamburgers, hotdogs and drinks, we need you to bring sides and desserts. Have a great rest of your week!

In Christ,

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