Three Simple Words

Three Simple Words Jesus has called you and me to be His witnesses. In Acts 1:8(b) “…you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” Witnessing is simply telling someone about Jesus and then trusting God for the results. It can be as simple as telling someone, “Jesus loves you.” I heard an incredible testimony from a woman who was led to faith because of those three simple words. As a child, she went to church by herself. But as life became more difficult, she stopped going without making any type of profession of faith. She was lost. As a young adult, a distant relative died and, out of duty, she went to the funeral. While at the funeral she met a cousin that she had not previously known. They chatted and really hit it off. Her cousin was a Christian. A few days after that funeral, her cousin called her to invite her to go with her to her brother’s wedding. Since she did not know the family very well, she declined. So her cousin paused for a moment and then simply said, “Jesus loves you.” The young lady was taken aback. She thought, “Jesus love me? No way. There is no way that Jesus could love me. I’ve done too much bad in my life.” Those three simple words played over and over in her mind until she decided to listen to a Christian radio broadcast. As she listened, she felt as though the preacher was talking directly to her. At the end of the broadcast, she asked Jesus into her heart. She has lived for Him ever since simply because someone told her, “Jesus loves you.” Her cousin didn’t do anything fancy. She was simply obedient and trusted God for the results. Those three simple words planted a seed that the Holy Spirit of God nurtured and used to give birth to a new creation. Are you willing to give it a try? Are you willing to be obedient and simply trust God for the results? You can change someone’s life today by uttering three simple words. These are your Words for Wednesday. Have a great rest of your week. In Christ, Kevin |
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