
I wish to thank Kim Mayes for spearheading the Words for Wednesday Summer series and all the writers who contributed. I thoroughly enjoyed each post and deeply appreciate the break. -- Kevin Transitions Over the next couple of months on Sunday mornings, we will be taking a journey through the book of Joshua. For our Words for Wednesday each week, I would like to emphasize something from the chapter that we have studied. Given the overlap of our special summer series for Words for Wednesday, I will be a week behind. However, I hope that this will serve as a refresher to us all. In Joshua chapter 1, we learn that Moses has died and God is now speaking to Joshua to lead the nation of Israel. Having recently lost my father, I can empathize with Joshua and the loss of this dear mentor, leader, and friend he had in Moses. Joshua was in transition. What I mean by transition is that period of life when you are adjusting to a new stage of life. For example, my personal transition is going from having my father and mentor around me to living life without him and all that goes with that. The nation of Israel was in transition and Joshua himself was in transition. They were transitioning from one season of life into another. I don’t know what transition in life that you may be experiencing today, but God has made promises to us to reassure us. The Psalmist said in Psalm 121:8 “The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever.” He will guard as you transition out of one season and He will guard you as you transition into another season. As you go through this transition, remember that the same God who guarded Joshua as he went through his transition in life is with you as well. God didn’t tell Joshua that he had to be smart or a great military strategist. He didn’t tell him that he had to have some brilliant plan to take the Promised Land. God simply told Joshua three times “I just need you to be courageous”. Biblical courage is confidence in the certainty of God’s ability and not your own. God was telling Joshua, “You don’t have to have some great ability of your own, just trust in mine.” So when you get up each morning, pray “God I know that you were with Moses and Joshua and you are with me. Your ability is enough for me today.” Then rest in that ability and know that God’s ability is enough to handle anything that may come your way. These are your Words for Wednesday. I hope you have a great rest of your week! In Christ, Kevin |
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