
For the next several weeks, we will have guest authors for our Words for Wednesday. Today our guest author is Christy Olive. Enjoy! Anchored “In Times Like These”…this was the title of a song my Daddy sang in Church many times when I was growing up. I can still hear him singing it to this day, even though he celebrated his Homegoing over 30 years ago. The song was written by Ruth Caye Jones in 1944. We talk about the times we live in right now and how challenging it is. There has never been a time all throughout history when we haven’t needed Christ. All three verses of the song touched me, but the third verse always gave me a sense of reassurance and peace. It says: In times like these I have a Savior, In times like these I have an anchor I’m very sure, I’m very sure My anchor holds and grips the Solid rock! This Rock is Jesus, Yes, He’s the One; This Rock is Jesus, The Only One! I’m very sure, I’m very sure My anchor holds and grips the Solid rock! The word I am focusing on today is “anchor’. By definition, an anchor is something that is used to keep a boat attached to one place on the ocean floor so that it does not go adrift in the sea. The spiritual definition of an anchor is something that helps keep us grounded, connected to what matters most, and being able to cope in today’s world, rather than being adrift in the sea of life’s challenges. Philippians 4:13 reads “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” When Jesus is our anchor, we have a hope that does not disappoint. A couple of Christmases ago, my son gave me a plaque to hang on the wall that simply said, “Anchored in Christ”. I’m not sure if he realized how important that word “Anchored” was, but it meant the world to me in that it tied the memories of my Daddy’s favorite song and how we should strive to live each day God gives us. Who is your anchor? In times like these, and as the song says, there’s only One Anchor…Jesus!! These are your Words for Wednesday. BlesSings, Christy |
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