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All Things Big and Small
by Dolores Callier on June 19th, 2024
For the next several weeks, we will have guest authors for our Words for Wednesday. Today our guest author is Dolores Callier. Enjoy All Things Big and Small Have you ever felt that something was not important enough to pray about? Like wanting to find an empty parking space at your destination? Or maybe trying to find something you put where it would be handy, but now you can’t remember where it i...  Read More
Father’s Day Edition
by Ruth Sorrell on June 12th, 2024
For the next several weeks, we will have guest authors for our Words for Wednesday. Today our guest author is Ruth Sorrell. Enjoy, Words for Wednesday, Father’s Day Edition This weekend we celebrate Father’s Day. If you have forgotten, there is still time to buy a gift, get your card in the mail or maybe make a dinner reservation. Many in our congregation care for their aging parents as I am. I reali...  Read More
The Lord’s Supper
by Kevin Darnell on June 5th, 2024
The Lord’s Supper This coming Sunday, we will be observing the Lord’s Supper.  In 1 Corinthians chapter 11, we find that the church in Corinth had distorted its purpose.  It is possible to become so accustomed to observing this ordinance that we too can become jaded to its importance, and we can become insincere in our partaking of it.For 2,000 years, the church has observed the Lord’s Supper and i...  Read More
by Mikal Duncan on May 22nd, 2024
This week Mikal Duncan is our special guest author while Pastor Kevin is away. We hope you enjoy her Words for Wednesday Expectations “Your paycheck is your thanks” This was the unexpected response I received from my team member after I expressed disappointment in not being acknowledged for my part in our latest project. Wow. I was stunned into silence. What could I say? He was right – harsh, but ...  Read More
It Just Doesn’t Matter!
by Kevin Darnell on May 15th, 2024
It Just Doesn’t Matter When I was in college, late in my second semester, a bunch of guys from my dorm hall gathered in my dorm room. We had all been studying and preparing for our finals. The pressure of exams was really getting to us. One by one they trickled into my room, each complaining about some life issue that they were dealing with that was interfering with their studies. What we decided w...  Read More
by Kevin Darnell on May 8th, 2024
Judgy One day, I was having a conversation with a young lady about sin. She said, “Aren’t you being a little bit judgy? Doesn’t the Bible tell us not to judge?” Well, she is partly right. The verse that she was referring to is Matthew 7:1, and this is often misquoted and taken completely out of context. Jesus wasn’t prohibiting us from judging, He was giving us warning about the way we live our live...  Read More
Your Foundation Matters
by Kevin Darnell on May 1st, 2024
Your Foundation Matters Back in 2000, Capital One began an advertising campaign in which they asked, “What’s in your wallet?” For the last 24 years, they have built their entire advertising campaign on that slogan and it has become their advertising foundation. A foundation supports a building and resists movement to provide stability and durability. Paul pictured a believer’s life like that of a bu...  Read More
Silo Christians
by Kevin Darnell on April 24th, 2024
Silo Christians Have you ever driven out in the country and seen tall storage structures? These are called silos, and they are used for storing grain. The term has found its way into the business world and it describes an isolated group or division within a company that functions apart from others in a way that hinders communication and productivity. This is what happened to the church in Corinth. C...  Read More
You Never Know
by Kevin Darnell on April 17th, 2024
You Never Know In Acts chapter 18, we find the account of the Apostle Paul in the city of Corinth. He converted many people to Christ and stayed in Corinth for a year and a half. When he first started in Corinth, Paul preached that Jesus was the Messiah in the synagogue (a synagogue is a place where Jews gather for worship and instruction). When the Jews rejected his teachings, he began preaching t...  Read More
Three Simple Words
by Kevin Darnell on April 10th, 2024
Three Simple Words Jesus has called you and me to be His witnesses. In Acts 1:8(b) “…you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” Witnessing is simply telling someone about Jesus and then trusting God for the results. It can be as simple as telling someone, “Jesus loves you.”I heard an incredible testimony from a woman who w...  Read More
Remember His Words
by Kim Mayes on April 3rd, 2024
This week Kim Mayes is stepping in for me. I hope that you enjoy her Words for Wednesday. In Christ, Kevin Remember His Words “He is not here; He has risen Remember how He told you, while He was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified, and on the third day be raised again.’ Then, they remembered His words.”  Luke 24:6-8 Anyone who knows ...  Read More
The Resurrection
by Kevin Darnell on March 27th, 2024
The Resurrection This Sunday we celebrate the most remarkable event in human history. It was an event that changed everything. It wasn’t the cross and it was not Jesus’ death. The event that changed everything was the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That one event turned a group of shocked and terrified men and women into bold and courageous witnesses.During Jesus’ earthly ministry, the disciples con...  Read More