Rocks In Your Shoe
by Mikal Duncan on July 12th, 2023
Rocks In Your ShoeI tend to relate and remember better if I have a mental image – a visual example. A mental image really helps me better grasp the truth, but also acts as a memory shortcut. Jesus understood that well and often used parables to teach truth. He set an incredible teaching example for us even today. And those parables, those mental pictures are still effective almost two thousand yea... Read More
by Sarah Knott on July 5th, 2023
Good Afternoon!I hope this finds all of you doing well, staying cool and enjoying a beautiful week!Continuing with our Words for Wednesday Summer Series, our guest writer this week is Sarah Knott.OverwhelmedI wear multiple hats that include a third grade teacher, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a daughter, and a friend. For many years, I’ve been praying to be overwhelmed by God instead of being o... Read More
by Dolores Callier on June 28th, 2023
Good Wednesday Morning!Week 3 of our Words for Wednesday Summer Series features the writings of our sister, Dolores Callier. One can easily hear her sweet voice while reading below.JOY IN JESUSIn my daily devotions this year, I am using two books that present names and titles of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. One name of Jesus the Son is Life, and the Bible tells us that all Christians will... Read More